Saturday, March 19, 2011

One of my jobs is to figure out the snacks for the train trip.  Sure, we get 3 meals a day on the train...but, when you are taking in all of those scenic views you need extra nourishment.  So I am lining up my snack options early...if you have a favorite train snack, please post it.
Here is our route on the Zephyr. Peggy and I  will meet up in Chicago on Wednesday, stay over nite at the Palmer House and then catch the Zephyr the next day for a 2.5 day trip across the Western United States.  AMTRAK riders say this route is the most beautiful train trip there is. We are looking forward to hanging out in the big domed excursion cars so we can watch all the scenery across the prairies and through the mountains. Hopefully we can shoot some good video with Peggy's new little flip cam.
Yesterday I bought our Alcatraz tickets.  We are going via ferry to the island on Sunday before we board our ship to Alaska on Monday. We are taking the first ferry over in the morning so we can make the Alcatraz Garden tour.  The Garden tour is only offered a few days a week, so we are lucky we are able sign up for that.  The gardens were originally established by the workers and their families living on Alcatraz island.  They fell into disrepair due to 4 decades of neglect after the prison closed.  A few years ago folks decided to bring them back...I can't wait to see them...and that is one of the ways I convinced my sister to take a trip to "The Rock"...

A Month After the Fall

My cast is off and I now have a transition brace for my ankle.  That works alot better than the aircast which was very  uncomfortable.  But, at least I could take it off every night and I wasn't trapped in a plaster cast.  Now I am icing my ankle every chance I can get...hence the blue wrap here in this picture.  But, I am up and moving better than I had been...transitioned out of the wheelchair and I am using a cane now...hopefully in a few weeks I will be good as new.