Tuesday, May 31, 2011

We Made it on Board

Last night was our first night on board.  We met up with Joannie and John, our friends from the Queen Mary, up on deck at the sailaway party.  We made plans for dinner and then headed out in separate directions.  Peggy and I hit the spa, bought internet minutes, and started checking out the ship.  What a lovely gal this is...very glitzy...so different than the Queen Mary. We got down to the spa for our massages, and then headed off to dinner.  There are 5 other people at our table.  Right at the start I thought, are these people going to be fun? As the dinner progressed we found them to be very enjoyable company and we were soon laughing and telling funny stories.  After dinner it was off to the casino.  

Monday, May 30, 2011

Video of our Climb into the Sierra Madres

Here is Peggy's video that she shot of heading into the Sierra Madres.  We were very lucky we went on Saturday, because a huge storm rolled in later and dumped more snow in that area.  

Experimental YouTube Video...cross your fingers


Hear No Evil

Every so often in Chinatown we would find these little benches with things sitting on them. In my opinion, this one was the coolest, so I made Peggy sit down and complete the picture.  

Brake Dancing

We waited for our trolley back to the Wharf and it took us awhile to find one that had room.  Finally this guy stopped and said he only had room for one of us...and we said  that we would wait for another trolley.  Now it is just my opinion, but I think at that point he saw my San Francisco Giant's visor (that I had just bought on the Escandero) and he waved us both on board.  As you can see, he has a Giant's hat turned backwards.  One fan can spot another.  We crammed onto the car and were treated to a tutorial by the driver about how he learned his job.  He told Peggy that they put him into an empty trolley car for 5 days and made him drive up and down those hills.  What was fascinating was to watch him drive and maneuver those hills.  Most of the time he would jump and land with both feet on this long brake pedal to stop the trolley.  At the end of 5 days he said, you either have it or you don't.  He was very funny and entertaining.  The car was crammed full of people with some of them hanging off both sides.  Luckily, we were sandwiched inside and didn't have to dangle in the wind.

The Gate to Chinatown

We approached China town from the North, so we had to walk all the way through to get to the gate.  We decided to get a gnosh in a restaurant right across from this gate so we had a very good vantage point.  The shops and barkers were plentiful today because it was Sunday.  We did lots of shopping and found many, many cool things.  We haven't even left for Alaska yet and we have accumulated a ton of stuff already.  Sigh.

Sooner or Later Everyone Goes to Chinatown....

We got off the cable car a few blocks from Chinatown and started wandering around looking for a restaurant.  We found a local store front that sold dumplings and anything else you could want.  So, we wandered in and did alot of pointing.  Everything on the menu was in Chinese but the lady behind the counter spoke a bit of English and we were able to recognize the food.  After lunch it was back on the street again.

Pier 39 Chorus

These boys and girls were really hooting and hollering so loudly that we heard them on the Escandero.  It wasn't hard to find them because all you had to do was to follow the barking.  A huge crowd formed to watch these guys....quite the entertainers. There was a restaurant right behind these flotillas and we found out later that the owners built those platforms to attract these critters.  What a draw for the lunch crowd.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Clang Clang Clang goes the Trolley

After hanging on Pier 39, we decided to head to Chinatown for lunch.  We wanted to find a good dim sum restaurant and just graze all afternoon.  The way to Chinatown was via the cable cars.  So, we found the stop and waited for about 30 minutes in a que with lots of other people who had the very same idea.  Let me tell you, riding the cable cars in San Francisco is like a thrill ride.  Going to Chinatown we at least were able to get a seat...that would not be the case on the way back later on.  

Sealed with a Fish

After stepping off the ferry from Alcatraz we decided to walk down to Pier 39 on Fisherman's Wharf.  On the way to the Alcatraz cruise dock earlier, I spotted sea lions playing in the water and we wanted to come back and watch them.  So, we headed off down the Escandero looking for this sculpture as our landmark.  We soon found out that there was a reason they placed this sculpture right here.  

The Warden was Fired

This is the warden's house.  It lost its roof in a fire years back and was never rebuilt. We stopped right in front to take a picture when we saw a sea gull nesting right inside the fireplace.  That was an odd place to see a gull.  We saw them all over the island in the strangest places.  

A Rose by any Other Name.....

We saw some lovely gardens at Alcatraz. The inmate gardeners had to earn the privilege to leave their cells in order to tend the flowers and trees.These inmates became experienced with plants and vegetation because it was a way to spend time in the fresh air and sun. When the Rock was abandoned in the early 1960's, the gardens fell into disrepair. Some of them managed to survive, but most of them faded into dim memories until a few years back when they were restored by a group of dedicated volunteers. The flowers were absolutely gorgeous and the vines climbing the outer walls of the buildings were very impressive. I couldn't believe how lovely they were and how well tended. It was such a surprise to see
all the flowers and well tended beds on Alcatraz.  

Birds of a Feather Flock to Alcatraz

Once we got all the way up to the top of the island, we received our audio tour head phones.  This allowed us to go all over the prison and listen to the voices of former Alcatraz prison guards who told us stories about the institution and some of the more notorious inmates.  It was very creepy standing underneath the catwalks.  We heard all the stories about the several jail breaks and what happened to the inmates who broke out.  We got to see the cells that held the prisoners who tunneled out through the utility corridor and climbed the drain pipe to the roof.  The stories about Robert Stroud, the bird man, were very interesting.  He did not get to keep his birds on the rock which must have been a huge disappointment.  The guards described Stroud as a mathematical genius who spent alot of time on the rock agitating the guards and other inmates. Peggy spent lots of time looking at the restored Alcatraz gardens which were absolutely beautiful.  The views from top of the rock were breath taking.  I was hoping the tour wouldn't be too boring for her, but she told me that she really enjoyed it.  Alcatraz is a fascinating place with a very interesting history.

Our Time on the Rock

This morning we lined up with all the other people who were headed out to the Rock.  We already had our tickets downloaded from the internet, so we didn't have to stand in line.  Good thing because there were no tickets to be had.  Our ship was packed to the gills.  It was a beautiful morning for a cruise across San Francisco Bay.  As you can see...Alcatraz is a short trip if you are on a boat...not so short if you are swimming.

The Observation Car

We spent lots of time in this observation car crossing the Western states.  The naturalists and park ranger volunteers would wander up and down the aisles answering questions and telling us some very funny stories.  Peggy and I sat for hours and hours playing cards and just schmoozing taking in the beautiful scenery.

Late Nite Good Dinner and a Good Bed

Pacific time is hard to get used to...plus I still feel like we are on the train and I am rocking and rolling at times.  We ate in the restaurant attached to the hotel last nite and it was great food.  We had pizza and sea food.  We stayed up till 11 PM which is really 1 AM Central time.  This morning we are getting ready to go to Alcatraz. I am sure we will have tons of pictures to post tonite. Stay tuned.

The Grosse Dam

This is the Grosse Dam after we went through Reno.  We had a naturalist on board from Reno to Sacremento who told us all about California and each small town along the way.  He was very knowledgeable and we could hear him even if we weren't in the observation car.  We had two other vounteers that got on in Grand Junction yesterday and rode all the way through Colorado telling us stories about that state as well.

Beautiful Vistas in Colorado

We rolled through Colorado yesterday and took a million and one pictures of all of these beautiful vistas.  I never really thought that Colorado looked like this...this looked more like the geological formations at the Grand Canyon...

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Breakfast in Reno Nevada on the Train

Can't upload pictures from my iPhone onto the blog.
We continue to meet interesting people
On the train. We get into SF around 530 pm.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

We spent lots of time strolling down Michigan Avenue yesterday.  On the way back from shopping we stopped to look at this recently installed fountain.  I have never seen this kind of thing before right on the curb.  The rhododendron was in full bloom which is the first thing that caught my attention.

Apple Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree

Part of Peggy's birthday present was to get her a few books on the iPad.  That little whopper chopper doesn't come with much of a manual and I know Peggy likes to have something in writing to help her figure things out.  I am more of a hunter and pecker and can get myself in alot of trouble by not reading the directions.  Yesterday when we went to the Apple Store on Michigan Avenue we didn't have her iPad with us...and she wants to get a screen protector. So, we are back to the Apple Store this morning.  It is a mile hike down the miracle mile...but, that's OK.  
Walking in Chicago is different than walking anywhere else...just love it.  

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Down by the River

We took a stroll down by the River because it was such a beautiful day.  It had rained and rained and rained in the morning. Then, almost on cue, the skies cleared and we were treated to a whole lot of sunshine.  We walked down Michigan Avenue to the Apple Store.  Peggy needed to get some ear phones for her iPad and I needed someone to fix my iPhone camera.  We met the nicest young man who was a total computer geek. He sure knew his stuff.  He fixed my phone camera in two shakes of a lamb's tail...and found Peggy's earbuds within seconds. He even checked us out on his Iphone that had a credit card scanner on the back. How cool...that store was jumping today with lots of people crammed in there hanging on the new iPads. Peggy sure is having a good time with hers.

Lunch at South Water Kitchen

We got to the restaurant before Delanne because traffic was stopped so that the bridge could be raised for boats going out into Lake Michigan.  Peggy and I ordered a few snicky snacks and ate them while we waited for Del to show. She slid in a little after 1PM and we ordered lunch.  The food is great at this restaurant. The company was even better and they didn't run us out after the lunch rush settled down.  That was very nice.  After lunch we walked down near the Chicago River.  When it stopped raining it turned into a beautiful day downtown.  

On our Way to Lunch in Chicago

Peggy and I met in Chicago this morning. Her train was on time but mine was 40 minutes late due to flash floods north of Quincy.  But, we connected in the Metro Lounge and were able to store our big suitcases over night in the store room.  That way we didn't need to drag them to the Palmer House and drag them back to the train station tomorrow.  We caught a cab to the hotel and checked in without incident.  Our room was ready and we came upstairs and found our room to be VERY nice and roomy.  We changed our clothes and set out to meet Delanne for lunch at the South Water Kitchen.  Along the way we spotted these cool planters along Wabash...and I just had to snap a picture.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Dinner on the Capitol Limited

The train was 45 minutes late picking Peggy up in Martinsburg, WV. That is only the 3rd stop out of the DC so it makes you wonder how it lost so much time. But, she is going to eat dinner on the train, go to bed and wake up as the train is pulling into Union Station.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Historic Martinsburg, West Virginia

This is where Peggy is going to board the Capitol Limited tomorrow around 5:30 pm. This old historic train station has been restored to reflect its original beauty. Here you can see the old roundhouse where they worked on so many trains in the old days. We come from a railroad family on both sides. Our maternal Grandfather worked for the railroad and our paternal Great Grandfather was the purchasing agent for the Milwaukee Road.  So, I guess that is why I have the railroad in my blood. Can't wait to see her on Wednesday...and I sure hope her train trip is fun....
So, I broke down and gave Peggy her iPad2 when I saw her in Wisconsin last weekend. My fear was that she would take the plunge and buy one herself and I wouldn't be able to surprise her. Man, was she surprised to get her birthday present early. I also got her this keyboard that syncs to the iPad so you can use that if you want. I think she really likes that set up. Tonight I got her to download Angry Birds from the App store. That is a game I played all the way home from Washington and she is now hooked. This is just the beginning.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Is This Really the 21st Century?

Some folks think train travel is an outdated mode of transportation, just like the horse and buggy, dirigibles, and those mule-drawn barges. But, that's just not true. Train travel is alive and well in Illinois, and for that matter all over the country. The Feds have pledged 50 billion dollars over the next 6 years to develop high speed rail as alternative travel.  So many other countries have high speed rail.  And you would think with the size of our country that we would have made this commitment earlier. Let's hope this money isn't axed by the new Congress. If you haven't taken the train anywhere, give it a try. Riding the rails is a big part of our vacation and something we are looking forward to on our way to Alaska.There is nothing like walking between lurching cars on  your way to the dining car.  It is always a treat to meet new people at meal time.  Sleeping on the train is also an adventure.  Watching the stars as you fall asleep is majestic and listening to the song of the rails, I find comforting.  But, the best part of taking the train is just hanging out with my sister...we can play cards, read, talk, laugh, eat and nap, whenever we want. Keep your airplanes with the cancelled flights, the little bottles you have to cram your stuff into...along with your check baggage fees and the full body scans...we will be hanging in the observation car, scanning the Rockies and eating whatever Peggy has in her snack bag.

Going to Have Breakfast with Dad

This morning I am going to have breakfast with Dad.  Now that school is out I have had lots more time to spend with him.  He is now living at Good Samaritan here in Quincy after his hip surgery.  The Doctor wanted him in a facility with aggressive physical therapy so he can learn to walk again.  That process has been slow, but sure.  The picture I have posted is of the new addition they are building which should open in a few weeks.  It has a new Alzheimer's wing and more beds.  This health care area is booming...hopefully to get ready for the influx of our generation in a few decades??

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Good Luck to my Graduating Seniors

Today was the last official day of school. So many of my best students graduated today.  It is sad to see them go, but I take pride in what they take with them from Culver-Stockton College.  They have gotten a fine education and have been well prepared for Law School, grad school, or careers in Law Enforcement.  I am proud of each and every one of them.  It was a sad goodbye to all of my California baseball players.  They had an excellent season this year and I will miss them.  Some of my trial team members also picked up diplomas today...they are headed to Law School and careers in the law.  Now I can focus on getting the last minute things done before we leave on Wednesday.

Friday, May 20, 2011

A Big Truck for a Big Suitcase

The FedEx guy came today to pick up my whopper suitcase.  He remembered me from last year when he came to pick up the same bag when Peggy and I were going to Ireland.  Keep your fingers crossed that it gets to our hotel in San Francisco.

Food Glorious Food

Oliver Twist

It appears when looking back over the blog that some of my posts are focused on food.  At some point I went to bed and woke up an old broad.  I used to ask my Mother why old folks were always so focused on where they went to eat, what they had, how it tasted, and the biggie, whether they got a senior citizen discount. The other night someone asked me which cruise line we were taking to Alaska.   When I said "Princess" that person immediately said...THEY HAVE THE BEST FOOD...how funny.  

South Water Kitchen in Chicago

This is where I met Delanne, my brother's girlfriend, when I went to DC and had a long lay over in Chicago. We loved this place.  So, Peggy and I are going to meet Del again there next Wednesday for lunch on our way to Alaska.  We really didn't have a chance to chat with her at Doug's memorial service last Saturday.  I was so glad she came and joined the family for his service. One of the blessings from his passing is that we have reconnected with her.  

How Come I Have 4 pairs of Rain Pants?

We are going on a whale watching cruise in Juneau.  So, I looked on YouTube and saw some videos of the type of cruises they are.  It appeared that if it is raining (which it almost always does) that we will need rain gear.  So, I informed Peggy that we needed rain pants.  Jeeezzzz....I didn't know that the rain pant God would answer in such a prolific way. Somehow I have ended up with four pairs of rain pants. When I am feeling philosophical I try to remember Peggy's words..."Judy, the Universe is perfect and on time.."   

How did I end up with 4 pairs of rain pants?  Well, last fall Peggy bought two pairs and shipped them to me...I had bought another pair before that and tucked them away...and my brother Douglas gave me a pair. It may appear to the casual observer that I am collecting rain pants.  So, again, I wondered???  What am I going to do with 4 pairs of rain pants?  I emailed Joannie and John (the couple going to Alaska with us) and said..."By any chance do you need rain pants?"  Because as we know...I have four pairs. Luckily, they have none and were very happy to take them off my hands. Mystery solved.  

And Now We Wait....

Today is the day they come to pick up our giant whopper suitcase for shipping out to San Francisco.  So, I have saved lots of my household tasks for today so I can be here to greet the FedX guy.   I still have to pack my other suitcase to take on the train.  I have my backpack organized already with Tiny Judy, my e-reader, every cord known to mankind, and my binder chocked full of the Alaska paperwork.  I still need to get some Canadian money somewhere...hmmm.  Maybe I can get some in Canada?  LOL.  

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Shipping our Suitcase to San Francisco

So, my suitcase is too big and heavy to go with us on AMTRAK...so I am shipping it out to San Francisco via a delivery service.  It will be waiting for us at our hotel when we get out there.  We have lots of warm clothes to take because, hey...it's Alaska...and you need rain gear, fleece, and lots of other stuff to layer because the weather is so unpredictable.  That's why we had to get a whopper suitcase.  

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Cruising the Inside Passage

This shows where we are going.  We cruise the Inside Passage of Alaska from Glacier National Park all the way down to Ketchikan and Misty Fijords....

Last Day of School

Today is the last day of school.  My kids are giving their in-class presentations and then we are done.  
Brian has two finals left to give and then his kids are graduating on Saturday, too....

Monday, May 16, 2011

Meet me in Chicago....

I will meet Peggy at Union Station on Wednesday, May 25th...my train gets in first...so I will wait for her in the Metro Lounge.  We will check into our hotel and go and meet our old friend, Del for lunch...
RIP Doug...
October 4, 1946-April 19, 2011
Devoted son and brother
Father, Grandfather and Great Grandfather...
Patriot and Friend...
I am lonely without you...

Our Brother has Passed....

Sad news from our family.  Our brother passed away suddenly on April 19th.  We all met in Wisconsin this last weekend to bury him next to our Mother in Prairie Home Cemetery.  As you can see, he had full military honors.  He was so excited for us that we were going to Alaska...he let us borrow his camera...and told me to take lots of pictures for him.  He has been to Alaska several times and told me lots of things about his trips.  We will take our memories of what a wonderful brother he was to all of us on our trip to Alaska.  I will see him in every bird and tree....