Sunday, May 22, 2011

Is This Really the 21st Century?

Some folks think train travel is an outdated mode of transportation, just like the horse and buggy, dirigibles, and those mule-drawn barges. But, that's just not true. Train travel is alive and well in Illinois, and for that matter all over the country. The Feds have pledged 50 billion dollars over the next 6 years to develop high speed rail as alternative travel.  So many other countries have high speed rail.  And you would think with the size of our country that we would have made this commitment earlier. Let's hope this money isn't axed by the new Congress. If you haven't taken the train anywhere, give it a try. Riding the rails is a big part of our vacation and something we are looking forward to on our way to Alaska.There is nothing like walking between lurching cars on  your way to the dining car.  It is always a treat to meet new people at meal time.  Sleeping on the train is also an adventure.  Watching the stars as you fall asleep is majestic and listening to the song of the rails, I find comforting.  But, the best part of taking the train is just hanging out with my sister...we can play cards, read, talk, laugh, eat and nap, whenever we want. Keep your airplanes with the cancelled flights, the little bottles you have to cram your stuff into...along with your check baggage fees and the full body scans...we will be hanging in the observation car, scanning the Rockies and eating whatever Peggy has in her snack bag.

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