Friday, May 20, 2011

How Come I Have 4 pairs of Rain Pants?

We are going on a whale watching cruise in Juneau.  So, I looked on YouTube and saw some videos of the type of cruises they are.  It appeared that if it is raining (which it almost always does) that we will need rain gear.  So, I informed Peggy that we needed rain pants.  Jeeezzzz....I didn't know that the rain pant God would answer in such a prolific way. Somehow I have ended up with four pairs of rain pants. When I am feeling philosophical I try to remember Peggy's words..."Judy, the Universe is perfect and on time.."   

How did I end up with 4 pairs of rain pants?  Well, last fall Peggy bought two pairs and shipped them to me...I had bought another pair before that and tucked them away...and my brother Douglas gave me a pair. It may appear to the casual observer that I am collecting rain pants.  So, again, I wondered???  What am I going to do with 4 pairs of rain pants?  I emailed Joannie and John (the couple going to Alaska with us) and said..."By any chance do you need rain pants?"  Because as we know...I have four pairs. Luckily, they have none and were very happy to take them off my hands. Mystery solved.  

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